Hide Last Pass icon in input fields

I figured it out!

I placed this in my input field styles:

background-image:none !important;
background-attachment:none !important;
padding-right:0 !important;
border:1px solid #ABADB3 !important;

Which had an effect, but something was still visible. Placing this in my global styles got rid of it completely:

div[id^=__lpform_] {
    display: none;

To suppress the icon for an input field like below:

<input type="tel" id="cc-number" autocomplete="off">

I used below css:

img[id^='__lpform_cc-number_icon'] {
    display: none !important;

input {
background-image: none !important;


^^ no longer works I guess. I am not sure, as it didn't work in my case.

You can also hide the icon by adding this attribute to the input element:



