React build run on server using pm2

You need to use a pm2 JSON config to run arbitrary binaries:


  apps : [
      name      : "your-app",
      script    : "npx",
      interpreter: "none",
      args: "serve -p 8443 -T"

To start:

pm2 start app.config.json

interpreter: "none" tells pm2 not to treat the script like a JavaScript file when executing, and instead to treat it like an ordinary binary.

If you have a serve binary in the same directory as the app config, you can execute serve directly instead of npx.

Use below command it worked for me

first build your react application and then hit this command inside your application folder .

pm2 serve build/ 3000 --name "react-build" --spa

@bgran provided a nice solution. As an alternative, I dare to suggest you can add this deploy to your script in package.json

"deploy": "pm2 start ./ --name yourAppName",

Then in the same directory as the package.json, create an executable

echo "Serving yourAppName!"
serve -s build

Don't forget to make an executable by running:

chmod +x

Now it's party time! Deploy your app by running

npm run deploy
