Handing back a response to API Gateway from Lambda

Currently API Gateway requires that the AWS Lambda integration is synchronous. If you desire asynchronous invocation of your Lambda function, you have 2 options:

  1. Invoking the Lambda asynchrously, either with an AWS integration calling InvokeAsync on Lambda, or using an intermediate service such as SNS or Kinesis to trigger the Lambda function.

  2. You're #2 diagram, using a synchronous Lambda invoke to initiate the asynchronous invoke.

As of Apr/2016 is it is possible to create async Lambda execution through API Gateway by using AWS Service Proxy. See http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/integrating-api-with-aws-services-lambda.html

You can send the X-Amz-Invocation-Type header, it supports async calls through the Event value

You can optionally request asynchronous execution by specifying Event as the InvocationType


Also, if you can't send it via your micro-service, you can configure this header to be passed by default through the Method Execution -> Integration Request -> HTTP Headers in your API Gateway Resource

This worked for me on a micro-service -> API Gateway -> Lambda scenario, like the mentioned on the question.