RxJava Observable get notified on first emission

For convenience, I created these extension functions for Flowable and Observable.
Note, that with doOnFirst() the action will be called before the first element emission, whilst doAfterFirst() will firstly emit the first item and then perform the action.

fun <T> Observable<T>.doOnFirst(onFirstAction: (T) -> Unit): Observable<T> =
        .doOnNext { onFirstAction.invoke(it) }

fun <T> Flowable<T>.doOnFirst(onFirstAction: (T) -> Unit): Flowable<T> =
        .doOnNext { onFirstAction.invoke(it) }

fun <T> Observable<T>.doAfterFirst(afterFirstAction: (T) -> Unit): Observable<T> =
        .doAfterNext { afterFirstAction.invoke(it) }

fun <T> Flowable<T>.doAfterFirst(afterFirstAction: (T) -> Unit): Flowable<T> =
        .doAfterNext { afterFirstAction.invoke(it) }

Usage is as simple as this:

Flowable.fromArray(1, 2, 3)
            .doOnFirst { System.err.println("First $it") }
            .subscribe { println(it) }


// First 1  
// 1  
// 2  
// 3


Flowable.fromArray(1, 2, 3)
            .doAfterFirst { System.err.println("First $it") }
            .subscribe { println(it) }


// 1  
// First 1
// 2  
// 3

I think you can have a practical doOnFirst with a simple take if you're handling a stream:

public static <T> Observable<T> withDoOnFirst(Observable<T> source, Action1<T> action) {
    return source.take(1).doOnNext(action).concatWith(source);

This way the action is only bound to the first item.

This could be changed to handle observables which are not backed by streams adding skip to skip the already taken items:

public static <T> Observable<T> withDoOnFirstNonStream(Observable<T> source, Action1<T> action) {
    return source.take(1).doOnNext(action).concatWith(source.skip(1));

There are a couple of solutions I can think of. The first one is an ugly but simple hack of doOnNext. Just add a boolean field to the Action1 indicating whether the first item has been received. Once received, do whatever it is you want to do, and flip the boolean. For example:

Observable.just("1").doOnNext(new Action1<String>() {

        boolean first = true;

        public void call(String t) {
            if (first) {
                // Do soemthing
                first = false;

The second one is to subscribe twice on the observable you want to monitor using publish or share(), with one of those publications going through first (depending on whether you want to manually connect to the published observable). You'll end up with two separate observables that emit the same items, only the first one will stop after the first emission:

ConnectableObservable<String> o1 = Observable.just("1").publish();

o1.first().subscribe(System.out::println); //Subscirbed only to the first item
o1.subscribe(System.out::println); //Subscirbed to all items

o1.connect(); //Connect both subscribers

Using rxjava-extras:


It's unit tested and under the covers just uses a per-subscription counter in an operator. Note that per-subscription is important as there are plenty of uses cases where an observable instance gets used more than once and we want the doOnFirst operator to apply each time.

Source code is here.