Guillemets in LaTeX («»)

There are several ways to do this:

  • With standard methods, you will find \guillemotleft and \guillemotright. For this you need \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} (which is recommended anyways).
  • Using the language switching capabilities of babel, e.g. \foreignlanguage.
  • Using csquotes and its \foreignquote command.

Personally, I would recommend the third option.

The similar looking mathmode symbols ≪ and ≫ (much less/greater than) are created with \ll and \gg.

There's also a convenient way to do it with Latin Modern:




<<Quoted text>>.


You could type it directly if you use an utf8 encoding :

«for exemple»

But, the spacing isn't — at least for french typography — correct