Golang - check if IP address is in a network

The Go net package includes the following functions:

  • ParseCIDR: takes a string representing an IP/mask and returns an IP and an IPNet
  • IPNet.Contains: checks whether an IP is in a network

This should cover your needs.

Based on Zoyd's feedback...


package main

import (

func main() {

    A := ""
    B := ""

    ipA,ipnetA,_ := net.ParseCIDR(A)
    ipB,ipnetB,_ := net.ParseCIDR(B)

    fmt.Println("Network address A: ", A)
    fmt.Println("IP address      B: ", B)
    fmt.Println("ipA              : ", ipA)
    fmt.Println("ipnetA           : ", ipnetA)
    fmt.Println("ipB              : ", ipB)
    fmt.Println("ipnetB           : ", ipnetB)

    fmt.Printf("\nDoes A (%s) contain: B (%s)?\n", ipnetA, ipB)

    if ipnetA.Contains(ipB) {
    } else {


Based on tgogos's answer:

package main

import (

func main() {
    A := ""
    B := ""

    _, ipnetA, _ := net.ParseCIDR(A)
    ipB := net.ParseIP(B)

    fmt.Printf("\nDoes A (%s) contain: B (%s)?\n", ipnetA, ipB)

    if ipnetA.Contains(ipB) {
    } else {