Setting the version number for .NET Core projects - CSPROJ - not JSON projects

dotnet build /p:AssemblyVersion=

Does that work for you?

You can override any property from the command line by passing /p:PropertyName=Value as arguments to dotnet restore, dotnet build and dotnet pack.

Currently, Version composition works as this: If Version is unset, use VersionPrefix (defaults to 1.0.0 if unset) and - if present - append VersionSuffix.

All other version are then defaulted to whatever Version is.

So for example you can set <VersionPrefix>1.2.3</VersionPrefix> in your csproj and then call dotnet pack --version-suffix beta1 to produce a YourApp.1.2.3-beta1.nupkg (if you have project reference that you want the version suffix to be applied to as well, you need to call dotnet restore /p:VersionSuffix=beta1 before that - this is a known bug in the tooling).

Of course, you can use custom variables as well, see this GitHub issue for a few examples.

For a complete reference of supported assembly attributes, i suggest looking at the source code of the build logic here (the values surrounded with $() are the properties used). And since i'm already talking about the source, this is the logic that composes the version and a few other properties.

In my case, the main key was /property:Version= And the following command line did the job:

dotnet build SolutionName.sln -c Release /property:Version=

This will override Assembly default version.


So in addition just to clarify this in a practical use case of software release.

For instance when you publish a software you can set File version and Product version as mentioned here.

lets take an example:

dotnet publish .\ProjectFolder\Project.csproj -r win-x64 /p:PublishSingleFile=true /p:IncludeNativeLibrariesForSelfExtract=true --self-contained true -o ReleaseFolderName -c Release /p:AssemblyVersion= /p:Version=

will publish software, when right click on software and click on Details, you get following picture:

Software Details