Git still showing deleted files after a commit

If it lists the files under the "to be committed" section, then just proceed with the commit; the files will remain deleted. (Git tracks deletions too, not just changes.)

If it lists the files under the "changed but not updated" section, then you have two options:

  1. Undelete them by restoring the version in the index: git checkout path/to/folder
  2. Mark them deleted in Git, then commit: git rm -r path/to/folder

git add -u .

If you type git status and the result says up to date, but in red it says

deleted: folder/example0.jpg
deleted: folder/example1.jpg
deleted: folder/example2.jpg

You need to enter this for it to be removed permanently git add -u . then all the red text will be marked in green.

**** Dont forget the space between the letter u and the period

This will add deletes as well.

git add -u .

Check what's staged to be committed with:

git status



Git Commit