Small native cross-platform GUI framework for C++

When it has the word "framework" in its name it's almost never small.

Anyway, graphical frameworks/libraries tend to be big, cause they need to handle a lot of stuff.

Qt is probably the best straightforward library for cross-platform GUI, but it definitely doesn't constitute a "small framework". On the other hand, on Linux systems, Qt will be most likely already installed. Plus it definitely pays for its size.

wxwidgets is fairly small as far as gui toolkits go.

And it's cross platform

You have mentioned it, but as far as cross platform toolkits go it's one of the smallest I've seen.

The only other suggestion I have is that you could wrap your code up into a C library and link that into another language. e.g. Use .NET on windows and mono for linux or even a java based app (although they don't always look very native to the platform). Then use your library from there.

Ultimate++ might contain what you need. (Although they make it sound in the FAQ as if their library is really big, it doesn't seem that bad to me.)