Git:nothing added to commit but untracked files present

You have two options here. You can either add the untracked files to your Git repository (as the warning message suggested), or you can add the files to your .gitignore file, if you want Git to ignore them.

To add the files use git add:

git add Optimization/language/languageUpdate.php
git add email_test.php

To ignore the files, add the following lines to your .gitignore:


Either option should allow the git pull to succeed afterwards.

Also instead of adding each file manually, we could do something like:

git add --all


git add -A

This will also remove any files not present or deleted (Tracked files in the current working directory which are now absent).

If you only want to add files which are tracked and have changed, you would want to do

git add -u

What is the difference between git add . & git add --all?

Please Follow this process

First of all install git bash and create a repository on git

1) Go to working directory where the file exist which you want to push on remote and create .git folder by

$ git init

2) Add the files in your new local repository.

$ git add .

Note: while you are in same folder make sure you have placed dot after command if you putting path or not putting dot that will create ambiguity

3) Commit the files that you've staged in your local repository.

$ git commit -m "First commit"**

4) after this go to git repository and copy remote URL

$ git remote add origin *remote repository URL


$ git remote -v

Note: this will ask for and just put it as per config


$ git push origin master

this will push whole committed code to FILE.git on repository

And I think we done

