Trim white spaces in both Object key and value recursively

The best solution I used is this. Check the documentation on replacer function.

function trimObject(obj){
  var trimmed = JSON.stringify(obj, (key, value) => {
    if (typeof value === 'string') {
      return value.trim();
    return value;
  return JSON.parse(trimmed);

var obj = {"data": {"address": {"city": "\n \r     New York", "country": "      USA     \n\n\r"}}};

You can just stringify it, string replace, and reparse it


You can clean up the property names and attributes using Object.keys to get an array of the keys, then Array.prototype.reduce to iterate over the keys and create a new object with trimmed keys and values. The function needs to be recursive so that it also trims nested Objects and Arrays.

Note that it only deals with plain Arrays and Objects, if you want to deal with other types of object, the call to reduce needs to be more sophisticated to determine the type of object (e.g. a suitably clever version of new obj.constructor()).

function trimObj(obj) {
  if (!Array.isArray(obj) && typeof obj != 'object') return obj;
  return Object.keys(obj).reduce(function(acc, key) {
    acc[key.trim()] = typeof obj[key] == 'string'? obj[key].trim() : trimObj(obj[key]);
    return acc;
  }, Array.isArray(obj)? []:{});