Drupal - Get the list of available services

The module Devel provides a searchable list (/devel/container/service).

For the command line use Drupal Console:

drupal debug:container

to Enhance @4k4 answer, because it returns a lot of services names, if you looking for the specified service name, just pass a part of its name

for instances, if you looking for log services

drupal debug:container | grep "log"

and if you looking for cache services

drupal debug:container | grep "cache"

Drush base Method

drush devel:services

or use its aliases:

drush devel-container-services


drush dcs


drush devel-services

So drush dcs | grep "PART_OF_SERVICE_NAME" will be a good sample to find a serice

If you are interested to see the available services during development in PHPStorm you can enable the SymfonyPlugin which autocompletes for you the service names (and does much more other handy stuff)

It works both in services.yml and when calling $container->get(...).

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