Get Correct keyCode for keypad(numpad) keys

Use the keypress handler:

[somelement].onkeypress = function(e){
  e = e || event;

See also: this W3C testdocument

if you want to use the keyup or keydown handler, you can subtract 48 from e.keyCode to get the number (so String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode-48))

I fixed the issue using following javascript code. The numpad keys lie between 96 to 105. but the real numbers are less 48 from the numpad values. Works with keyup or keydown handler.

var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which;
if (keyCode >= 96 && keyCode <= 105) {
  // Numpad keys
  keyCode -= 48;
var number = String.fromCharCode(keyCode);

There is a way to do this with keydown, if keypress is not workable due to event canceling needs, etc. Use an if() statement with this test:

parseInt(event.keyIdentifier.substring(2),16) > 47 && parseInt(event.keyIdentifier.substring(2),16) < 58

OR, with jQuery events:

parseInt(event.originalEvent.keyIdentifier.substring(2),16) > 47 && parseInt(event.originalEvent.keyIdentifier.substring(2),16) < 58

These examples assume "event" is the keydown event. keyIdentifier is a hexidecimal number that represents the unicode value for the related char. Using keyIdentifier, numbers from the numberpad / keypad AND the numbers above your QWERTY keyboard will all have the same values, 48 - 57 (U+0030 - U+0039), even with the keyDown event.

Unicode values in the browsers will look like U+0030 or U+002F. Parse this string to only get the hexidecimal value, then use parseInt() with a radix of 16 to convert it to base-10.