Java: accessing private constructor with type parameters

you would need to get the class, find the constructor which takes a single argument with the lower bound of T (in this case Object), force the constructor to be accessible (using the setAccessible method), and finally invoke it with the desired argument.

Make sure you use getDeclaredConstructors when getting the constructor and set its accessibility to true since its private.

Something like this should work.

Constructor<Foo> constructor= (Constructor<Foo>) Foo.class.getDeclaredConstructors()[0];
Foo obj = constructor.newInstance("foo"); 


If you want to make use of getDeclaredConstructor, pass Object.class as an argument which translates to a generic T.

Class fooClazz = Class.forName("");
Constructor<Foo> constructor = fooClazz.getDeclaredConstructor(Object.class);
Foo obj = constructor.newInstance("foo"); 