Font isn't found though properly installed

After an odyssey of trying everything that came to my mind and talking to Robert Koch i finally found a solution to my problem. I am going to post the answer so that in the off chance of someone running into the same issue in the future there is no need for endless trial and error.

When i first encountered the problem i was using TeXstudio as an editor. Seemingly, TeX was able to find the meta font data in the tree but did somehow not manage to create proper pk files from it in ~/Library/texlive/2014/texmf-var/fonts/pk through TeXstudio. The directory ~/Library/texlive exists in order to allow TeX Live to automatically create files when missing the needed root permission.

Robert Koch gave me the idea to try and delete the texlive folder of the local library, typeset again and see what happens as the folder should be recreated without a problem when needed. Luckily - using TeXShop this time - TeX did exactly that and this time properly. Now that working pk files have been created i can even compile using TeXstudio. So in the end it seems to have been a front end problem after all. What i still did not figure out is why i encountered the issue in the first place and why i didn't the last time i used TeXstudio in what seems to have been the same set up at least softwarewise.

Thanks for posting the question and for giving the solution. I also had the same problem, also with TeXstudio, and looking at the solution that you suggested, I tried something simpler and it worked. I simply compiled once with TeXShop (without deleting any directory) and then went back to TeXstudio, and the problem was solved. Hope this is useful to other people coming across the same problem.