Code for the Notation of Vector Projections?

Assuming you may want the projection typeset as an operator (not italic), you can declare a new operator with the \DeclareMathOperator{}{} from the amsmath package. Inspired by Werners answer I threw in a macro for a projection command.

enter image description here



\vctproj[v]{a} = \frac{\vct{a}\cdot\vct{v}}{\lVert\vct{v}\rVert^2}\vct{v}

Here is an option:

enter image description here




  \vectorproj[v]{a} = \frac{\vect{a} \cdot \vect{v}}{\norm{\vect{v}}^2} \vect{v}


\vectorproj[<onvector>]{<ofvector>} can be supplied with an optional <onvector>.

