Flutter icons do not show

Please try:

  1. Stopping the app
  2. Running flutter clean in your app directory
  3. Deleting the app from your simulator / emulator / device
  4. Rebuild & Deploy the app.

(Copied from the comments)

You need to set uses-material-design: true in pubspec.yaml for the icons to be included in the app.

In my case, I have written uses-material-design: true in pubspec.yaml file. I am able to solve this problem by restarting the Android emulator. You can also try by uninstalling old build from your emulator and then installing the new one.

This is little weird behavior, but it works for me.

Hot reloading does not show changes in resources. Press the stop button square red color in the top action menu bar of android studio and run the app again.

red icon highlighted by black circle It works.

