Show progress of Java 8 stream processing

As others have pointed out: This has some caveats. First of all, streams are not supposed to be used for something like this.

On a more technical level, one could further argue:

  • A stream can be infinite
  • Even if you know the number of elements: This number might be distorted by operations like filter or flatMap
  • For a parallel stream, tracking the progress will enforce a synchronization point
  • If there is a terminal operation that is expensive (like the aggregation in your case), then the reported progress might not even sensibly reflect the computation time

However, keeping this in mind, one approach that might be reasonable for your application case is this:

You could create a Function<T,T> that is passed to a map of the stream. (At least, I'd prefer that over using peek on the stream, as suggested in another answer). This function could keep track of the progress, using an AtomicLong for counting the elements. In order to keep separate things separate, this progress could then be just forwarded to a Consumer<Long>, which will take care of the presentation

The "presentation" here refers to printing this progress to the console, normalized or as percentages, referring to a size that could be known wherever the consumer is created. But the consumer can then also take care of only printing, for example, every 10th element, or only print a message if at least 5 seconds have passed since the previous one.

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import java.util.Spliterators;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.LongConsumer;

public class StreamProgress
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int size = 250;
        Stream<Integer> stream = readData(size);

        LongConsumer progressConsumer = progress -> 
            // "Filter" the output here: Report only every 10th element
            if (progress % 10 == 0)
                double relative = (double) progress / (size - 1);
                double percent = relative * 100;
                    "Progress %8d, relative %2.5f, percent %3.2f\n",
                    progress, relative, percent);

        Integer result = stream
            .map(element -> process(element))
            .reduce(0, (a, b) -> a + b);

        System.out.println("result " + result);

    private static <T> Function<T, T> progressMapper(
        LongConsumer progressConsumer)
        AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong(0);
        return t -> 
            long n = counter.getAndIncrement();
            return t;


    private static Integer process(Integer element)
        return element * 2;

    private static Stream<Integer> readData(int size)
        Iterator<Integer> iterator = new Iterator<Integer>()
            int n = 0;
            public Integer next()
                catch (InterruptedException e)
                return n++;

            public boolean hasNext()
                return n < size;
                iterator, Spliterator.ORDERED), false);

First of all, Streams are not meant to achieve these kind of tasks (as opposed to a classic data structure). If you know already how many elements your stream will be processing you might go with the following option, which is, I repeat, not the goal of streams.

Stream<MyData> myStream = readData();
final AtomicInteger loader = new AtomicInteger();
int fivePercent = elementsCount / 20;
MyResult result = myStream
    .map(row -> process(row))
    .peek(stat -> {
        if (loader.incrementAndGet() % fivePercent == 0) {
            System.out.println(loader.get() + " elements on " + elementsCount + " treated");
            System.out.println((5*(loader.get() / fivePercent)) + "%");