Flask/Bottle project organization

I don't have any experience with Bottle, but take a look at the Flask docs on larger applications. My Flask apps all use multiple Flask Module objects as that page recommends, one per Python module, and it seems to work just fine.

One thing that's nice about the Module objects is that you can customize dispatch on each one to create URL routing "domains" in your app. So for example, I'm trying to ape a Windows app in some of my code so I have a CaseInsensitiveModule that does case-insensitive dispatch, and I rigged up a RemoteModule to turn HTTP requests into Python methods using the Flask/Werkzeug routing system.

(Note that in current Flask versions, Modules are now Blueprints.)

I can't see how there could be any way of stopping this from working. Flask and Bottle, like Django, are just Python underneath, and Python allows you to break up files into modules. As long as you importing the relevant functions into the main script, they will just work exactly as if they were defined there.


