Update statement using with clause

The WITH syntax appears to be valid in an inline view, e.g.

UPDATE (WITH comp AS ...
        SELECT SomeColumn, ComputedValue FROM t INNER JOIN comp ...)
   SET SomeColumn=ComputedValue;

But in the quick tests I did this always failed with ORA-01732: data manipulation operation not legal on this view, although it succeeded if I rewrote to eliminate the WITH clause. So the refactoring may interfere with Oracle's ability to guarantee key-preservation.

You should be able to use a MERGE, though. Using the simple example you've posted this doesn't even require a WITH clause:

MERGE INTO mytable t
USING (select *, 42 as ComputedValue from mytable where id = 1) comp
ON (t.id = comp.id)

But I understand you have a more complex subquery you want to factor out. I think that you will be able to make the subquery in the USING clause arbitrarily complex, incorporating multiple WITH clauses.

You can always do something like this:

update  mytable t
set     SomeColumn = c.ComputedValue
from    (select *, 42 as ComputedValue from mytable where id = 1) c
where t.id = c.id 

You can now also use with statement inside update

update  mytable t
set     SomeColumn = c.ComputedValue
from    (with abc as (select *, 43 as ComputedValue_new from mytable where id = 1
         select *, 42 as ComputedValue, abc.ComputedValue_new  from mytable n1
           inner join abc on n1.id=abc.id) c
where t.id = c.id 

If anyone comes here after me, this is the answer that worked for me.

NOTE: please make to read the comments before using this, this not complete. The best advice for update queries I can give is to switch to SqlServer ;)

update mytable t
set z = (
  with comp as (
    select b.*, 42 as computed 
    from mytable t 
    where bs_id = 1
  select c.computed
  from  comp c
  where c.id = t.id

Good luck,



