Finish lazy parentheses

GolfScript, 23 bytes


The loophole I'm exploiting is the ruling that:

You may add extra unnecessary parentheses if you want to, if it makes your code shorter

Basically, for each line, this code counts the number of characters on the line that are not opening parentheses, and prepends that many extra opening parentheses to the line, and then does the same for closing parentheses. This is incredibly inefficient, but does ensure that all the parentheses on the output line are balanced.

For example, given the input:

This line has no parentheses
alert(Math.max(1, 2
function() { alert('Hello, World!'); })(

this program will output:

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((This line has no parentheses))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
(((((((((((((((((alert(Math.max(1, 2)))))))))))))))))))
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((function() { alert('Hello, World!'); })()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Ps. You can also test this code online.

Perl, 32 = 31 + 1 or 73 = 72 + 1 (minimized parentheses)

32 = 31 + 1: with extra unnecessary parentheses


  • Fix, parentheses now counted with y///.
  • Unnecessary variable $a removed.
$_="("x y/)//.s|$|")"x y/(//|er

It is used with the run-time switch -p (+1 byte).

Test file input.txt:

This line has no parentheses
alert(Math.max(1, 2
function() { alert('Hello, World!'); })(

Command line:

perl -p <input.txt


perl -pe '$_="("x y/)//.s|$|")"x y/(//|er' <input.txt


This line has no parentheses
alert(Math.max(1, 2))
(((function() { alert('Hello, World!'); })()))


The algorithm is simple, just add the counterpart for each found parentheses.

$_ =                     # $_ is provided as input by switch `-p` and
                         # it is printed afterwards as output.
                         # y/X// is used to count the character 'X' in $_
    '(' x y/)//          # add opening parentheses for each closing parentheses
    . s|$|')' x y/(//|er # go right before the end of line and insert
                         # closing parentheses for each opening parentheses
                         # in the original string

73 = 72 + 1: adding minimum number of parentheses

This script only adds the minimum number of parentheses to get a balanced output.


It is used with the run-time switch -p (+1 byte).

perl -pe "$a=y/()//cdr;1while$a=~s/\(\)//g;$_=$a=~y/)(/(/dr.$_;s|$|$a=~y/()/)/dr|e" <input.txt


This line has no parentheses
alert(Math.max(1, 2))
(function() { alert('Hello, World!'); })()


$a = y/()//cdr;            # filter parentheses and store in $a
1 while $a =~ s/\(\)//g;   # remove matching parentheses
$_ = $a =~ y/)(/(/dr . $_; # add missing opening parentheses at start of string
s|$|$a=~y/()/)/dr|e        # insert missing closing parentheses at end of string

81 = 80 + 1: adding minimum number of parentheses

This is an older method to add the minimum number of parentheses for a balanced output.


It uses Perl 5.14 (because of the non-destructive substitution modifier) and the run-time switch -p (+1 byte).

perl -p <input.txt


This line has no parentheses
alert(Math.max(1, 2))
(function() { alert('Hello, World!'); })()


# The while loop is added by option "-p".
while (<>) {

    # $_ contains the current line
    my ($l, $r); # initializes $l and $r (to undef/kind of indirect 0)
    # Modifiers for the following substitution of $_:
    # /g: process all parentheses
    # /e: evaluate code
    # /r: does not change the original input string $_ (Perl 5.14)
        # $& contains the matched parentheses
        # $r is a balance level counter; at the end $r contains
        #    the number of needed closing parentheses
        # $l is the number of needed opening parentheses;
        #    if $r would go negative, then an opening parentheses
        #    is missing and $l is increases and $r remains zero.
            $& eq ")" &&   # case ")"
            ($r && $r--    # close a parentheses group and update balance counter
                || ++$l)   # or update $l if an opening parentheses is needed
        || $r++            # case "(": increase balance counter
    $_ = "(" x $l . $_;    # add opening parentheses at the begin of line
    s/$/")" x $r/e         # add closing parentheses before the line end

# the remainder is added by run-time switch "-p"
} continue {
    print or die "-p destination: $!\n";

Python 2.7 3: 62 60 58 bytes

while 1:s=input();c=s.count;print('('*c(')')+s+')'*c('('))

Not super golfed, but you know. I might be able to squeeze some more bytes out if I really tried.

For each line, outputs (*the number of ) in the line, then the line, then )*the number of ( in the line. If I understand the rules correctly, this will always provide valid output.

Exits by throwing an exception, as a result of the way I did input. (Input is always a hard part of these problems.) If this isn't acceptable, it'll cost me a few bytes to fix, though I'm not yet sure how many.

Example output:

This line has no parentheses
alert(Math.max(1, 2))
(((function() { alert('Hello, World!'); })()))