Predict where the man will go

Python 2, 192 bytes * 0.5 bonus = 96

To solve this problem efficiently, the key realization is that we can compute how many times each cell is visited based on the number of times the cells above and to the left are visited, without needing to determine the exact paths taken. Effectively, we simulate n trips at once and keep track of how many times each cell is used.

Substantial improvement due to push-based approach inspired by johnchen902's solution:

for i in range(h):
 for j,b in enumerate(r()):
    if i-x==j-y==0:d=v[j]&1^b;x+=d;y+=1^d
print x,y

Previous, pull-based implementation:

r=lambda i:map(int,raw_input().split())
v=[w*[0]for i in x]
for i in x:
 for j in range(w):v[i][j]+=(i and(v[i-1][j]+(1^g[i-1][j]))/2)+(j and(v[i][j-1]+g[i][j-1])/2)
while i<h and j<w:f=g[i][j]^v[i][j]&1;j+=f;i+=1^f
print i,j

Original, ungolfed version:

h, w, n = map(int, raw_input().split())
grid = [map(int, raw_input().split()) for i in xrange(h)]

# Determine the number of times each cell was visited in the first n-1 trips
visits = [[0]*w for i in xrange(h)]
visits[0][0] = n-1
for i in xrange(h):
    for j in xrange(w):
        if i:
            # Count visits from above cell
            visits[i][j] += (visits[i-1][j] + (not grid[i-1][j])) // 2
        if j:
            # Count visits from left cell
            visits[i][j] += (visits[i][j-1] + grid[i][j-1]) // 2

# Flip the bits corresponding to each cell visited an odd number of times
for i in xrange(h):
    for j in xrange(w):
        grid[i][j] ^= visits[i][j] & 1

# Figure out where the final trip ends
i = j = 0
while i < h and j < w:
    if grid[i][j]:
        j += 1
        i += 1

print i, j

Ruby, 159 143

i=->a{ &:to_i}!{|k|i[k]}
(x+=f=l[x][y]^=1;y+=f^1)while x<n[0]&&y<n[1]}
p x,y

The first line uses the * operator to grab the first line of input in one variable, and the rest of the input in another. Then an i function is defined to convert "1 2 3 4" into [1, 2, 3, 4], which is applied to both l and n. (x and y are saved for later.)

n[-1] is the last element of n, so the following block (the simulation) is executed that many times. First, x and y are initialized to zero (they are declared outside the block so that their scope is large enough), and then the simulation line is executed, which is pretty self-explanatory, but here's some commentary anyway:

l[x][y]<1?            is it zero (less than one)?
x+=l[x][y]=1          if it's zero, set it to one, and (conveniently) we can add that to x
:y+=(l[x][y]=0)+1     otherwise, set it to zero, add one, and add that to y
 while x<n[0]&&y<n[1] keep doing this while we're still inside the array

Edit: new simulation line provided by Howard, thanks! I'm pretty sure I understand how it works but I don't have time to add an explanation, so one will be added later.

Finally, p x,y outputs the numbers, and we are done!

GolfScript, 52.5 (105 characters with 50% bonus)

~](;(\((2$(1,*+\@/{]zip 0\{~@@+.2$!+2/\@+.2/\@[\1&]}%zip~@;}%\;[{.0=0=\1${{1>}%}{1>}if.{~}%}do;].1-,n@0-,

The version is very efficient and can be tested online even for large values.

It uses an approach similar to user2357112's solution.