Finish all asynchronous requests before loading data?

The two requests are executing at the same time, so there is no attendees to get pictures from when the second request executes, if the getAttendees completion closure is going to be called multiple times then you can do something like this:

let group = dispatch_group_create()

for key in keys {
   self.getAttendee(key as String, completion:{ (result, attendee) in
      if(result == true){
         self.getAttendeesPictures(attendee, completion: { (result, image) in
           if result == true {
      } else {

dispatch_group_notify(group, dispatch_get_main_queue()) {}

If the result of the first request is the complete set of attendees you don't even need to use GCD, just call getAttendeesPictures inside the completion closure.

This code doesn't exactly uses the same variables and methods of the original code, it only gives the idea.

Hope it helps!

For users seeking answer to question in title then use of dispatch_group and GCD outlined here: i.e embedding one group inside the notification method of another dispatch_group is valid. Another way to go at a higher level would be NSOperations and dependencies which would also give further control such as canceling operations.


func doStuffonObjectsProcessAndComplete(arrayOfObjectsToProcess: Array) -> Void){

    let firstGroup = dispatch_group_create()

    for object in arrayOfObjectsToProcess {


        doStuffToObject(object, completion:{ (success) in
                // doing stuff success
            else {
                // doing stuff fail
            // regardless, we leave the group letting GCD know we finished this bit of work

    // called once all code blocks entered into group have left
    dispatch_group_notify(firstGroup, dispatch_get_main_queue()) {

        let processGroup = dispatch_group_create()

        for object in arrayOfObjectsToProcess {


            processObject(object, completion:{ (success) in
                    // processing stuff success
                else {
                    // processing stuff fail
                // regardless, we leave the group letting GCD know we finished this bit of work

        dispatch_group_notify(processGroup, dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
            print("All Done and Processed, so load data now")

The remainder of this answer is specific to this codebase.

There seem to be a few problems here: The getAttendees function takes an event child and returns an objectID and Name which are both Strings? Shouldn't this method return an array of attendees? If not, then what is the objectID that is returned?

Once an array of attendees is returned, then you can process them in a group to get the pictures.

The getAttendeesPictures eventually returns UIImages from Facebook. It's probably best to cache these out to the disk and pass path ref - keeping all these fetched images around is bad for memory, and depending on size and number, may quickly lead to problems.

Some examples:

func getAttendees(child: String, completion: (result: Bool, attendees: Array?) -> Void){

    let newArrayOfAttendees = []()

    // Get event attendees of particular event

    // process attendees and package into an Array (or Dictionary)

    // completion
    completion(true, attendees: newArrayOfAttendees)

func getAttendeesPictures(attendees: Array, completion: (result: Bool, attendees: Array)-> Void){

    println("Attendees Count: \(attendees.count)")

    let picturesGroup = dispatch_group_create()

    for attendee in attendees{

       // for each attendee enter group

       let key = attendee.objectID

       let url = NSURL(string: "\(key)/picture?type=large")

        let urlRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: url!)

        //Asynchronous request to display image
        NSURLConnection.sendAsynchronousRequest(urlRequest, queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()) { (response:NSURLResponse!, data:NSData!, error:NSError!) -> Void in
            if error != nil{
                println("Error: \(error)")

            // Display the image
            let image = UIImage(data: data)
            if(image != nil){
               attendee.image = image


    dispatch_group_notify(picturesGroup, dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
         completion(true, attendees: attendees)

func setupEvents(completion: (result: Bool, Event: Event) -> Void){

    // get event info and then for each event...

    getAttendees(child:snapshot.key, completion: { (result, attendeesReturned) in
        if result {
            self.getAttendeesPictures(attendees: attendeesReturned,         completion: { (result, attendees) in

              // do something with completed array and attendees

        else {



The above code is just an outline, but hopefully points you in the right direction.