data.table row-wise sum, mean, min, max like dplyr?

The apply function can be used to perform row-wise calculations. Defining the function separately keeps things cleaner:

dstats <- function(x){
      min(x, na.rm=TRUE),
      max(x, na.rm=TRUE),
      sum(x, na.rm=TRUE))

The function can now be applied over the rows of the data.table.

   c("AVG", "MIN", "MAX", "SUM") := data.frame(t(apply(.SD, 1, dstats))),
   .SDcols=c("Q1", "Q2","Q3","Q4"),

Notice that the only advantage of doing this with [.data.table is that it allows the use of := for fast adding by reference.

This is slower but more flexible than the matrixStats solution, and faster than the dplyr solution by @ExperimenteR, clocking in at 36 seconds (my timings for the other methods were similar to those in @ExperimenteR's answer).

With by=1:nrow(dt), performs the rowwise operation in data.table

dt[, `:=`(AVG= mean(as.numeric(.SD),na.rm=TRUE),MIN = min(.SD, na.rm=TRUE),MAX = max(.SD, na.rm=TRUE),SUM = sum(.SD, na.rm=TRUE)),.SDcols=c(Q1, Q2,Q3,Q4),by=1:nrow(dt)] 
   ProductName Country Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4      AVG MIN  MAX SUM
1:     Lettuce      CA NA 22 51 79 50.66667  22   79 152
2:    Beetroot      FR 61  8 NA 10 26.33333   8   61  79
3:     Spinach      FR 40 NA 79 49 56.00000  40   79 168
4:        Kale      CA 54  5 16 NA 25.00000   5   54  75
5:      Carrot      CA NA NA NA NA      NaN Inf -Inf   0

Warning messages:
1: In min(c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_), na.rm = TRUE) :
  no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
2: In max(c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_), na.rm = TRUE) :
  no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

You got warning messages, because in row 5, you are computing max, sum, min, and max of nothing. For example, see below:

[1] Inf
Warning message:
In min(c(NA, NA, NA, NA), na.rm = TRUE) :
  no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf

You can use an efficient row-wise functions from matrixStats package.

dt[, `:=`(MIN = rowMins(as.matrix(.SD), na.rm=T),
          MAX = rowMaxs(as.matrix(.SD), na.rm=T),
          AVG = rowMeans(.SD, na.rm=T),
          SUM = rowSums(.SD, na.rm=T)), .SDcols=c(Q1, Q2,Q3,Q4)]

#    ProductName Country Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 MIN  MAX      AVG SUM
# 1:     Lettuce      CA NA 22 51 79  22   79 50.66667 152
# 2:    Beetroot      FR 61  8 NA 10   8   61 26.33333  79
# 3:     Spinach      FR 40 NA 79 49  40   79 56.00000 168
# 4:        Kale      CA 54  5 16 NA   5   54 25.00000  75
# 5:      Carrot      CA NA NA NA NA Inf -Inf      NaN   0

For dataset with 500000 rows(using the data.table from CRAN)

dt <- rbindlist(lapply(1:100000, function(i)dt))
system.time(dt[, `:=`(MIN = rowMins(as.matrix(.SD), na.rm=T),
                      MAX = rowMaxs(as.matrix(.SD), na.rm=T),
                      AVG = rowMeans(.SD, na.rm=T),
                      SUM = rowSums(.SD, na.rm=T)), .SDcols=c("Q1", "Q2","Q3","Q4")])
#  user  system elapsed 
# 0.089   0.004   0.093

rowwise (or by=1:nrow(dt)) is "euphemism" for for loop, as exemplified by

library(dplyr) ; library(magrittr)
system.time(dt %>% rowwise() %>% 
  transmute(ProductName, Country, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4,
            MIN = min (c(Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4), na.rm=TRUE),
            MAX = max (c(Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4), na.rm=TRUE),
            AVG = mean(c(Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4), na.rm=TRUE),
            SUM = sum (c(Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4), na.rm=TRUE)))
#   user  system elapsed 
# 80.832   0.111  80.974 

system.time(dt[, `:=`(AVG= mean(as.numeric(.SD),na.rm=TRUE),MIN = min(.SD, na.rm=TRUE),MAX = max(.SD, na.rm=TRUE),SUM = sum(.SD, na.rm=TRUE)),.SDcols=c("Q1", "Q2","Q3","Q4"),by=1:nrow(dt)] )
#    user  system elapsed 
# 141.492   0.196 141.757

Just another way (not that efficient though, as na.omit() is called each time, and many memory allocations as well):

new_cols = c("MIN", "MAX", "SUM", "AVG")
dt[, (new_cols) := Map(function(x, f) f(x), 
                       list(min, max, sum, mean)),
   by = 1:nrow(dt)]

#    ProductName Country Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 MIN  MAX SUM      AVG
# 1:     Lettuce      CA NA 22 51 79  22   79 152 50.66667
# 2:    Beetroot      FR 61  8 NA 10   8   61  79 26.33333
# 3:     Spinach      FR 40 NA 79 49  40   79 168 56.00000
# 4:        Kale      CA 54  5 16 NA   5   54  75 25.00000
# 5:      Carrot      CA NA NA NA NA Inf -Inf   0      NaN

But as I mentioned, this'll get much simpler once colwise() and rowwise() are implemented. The syntax in this case could look something like:

dt[, rowwise(.SD, list(MIN=min, MAX=max, SUM=sum, AVG=mean), na.rm=TRUE), by = 1:nrow(dt)]
# `by = ` is really not necessary in this case.

or even more straightforward for this case:

rowwise(dt, list(...), na.rm=TRUE)


Another variation:

myNACount <- function(x, ...) length(attributes(x)$na.action)
foo <- function(x, ...) {
    funs = c(min, max, mean, sum, myNACount)
    lapply(funs, function(f) f(x, ...))

dt[, (new_cols) := foo(na.omit(c(Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4)), na.rm=TRUE), by=1:nrow(dt)]
#    ProductName Country Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 MIN  MAX      SUM AVG NAs
# 1:     Lettuce      CA NA 22 51 79  22   79 50.66667 152   1
# 2:    Beetroot      FR 61  8 NA 10   8   61 26.33333  79   1
# 3:     Spinach      FR 40 NA NA 49  40   49 44.50000  89   2
# 4:        Kale      CA 54  5 16 NA   5   54 25.00000  75   1
# 5:      Carrot      CA NA NA NA NA Inf -Inf      NaN   0   4