Find the Swirling Words!

MATL, 33 31 30 bytes


Input is in uppercase letters (or in lowercase letters, but not mixed).

Output is:

  • If the word is non-swirling: no output is produced
  • If it is swirling: two numbers are produced in different lines:
    • First number 1/ -1 indicates centrifugal / centripetal.
    • Second number 1/ `-1' indicates clockwise / counterclockwise.

Try it online! Or verify all test cases (code modified to take all inputs and to produce the two output numbers on the same line)


Let's take input 'OPERAA' as an example.

The first part of the code removes double letters:

l     % Push 1
      %   STACK: 1
y     % Take input implicitly from below, and duplicate
      %   STACK: 'OPERAA', 1, 'OPERAA'
d     % Convert to code points and compute differences
      %   STACK: 'OPERAA', 1, [1 -11  13 -17 0]
h     % Concatenate horizontally
      %   STACK: 'OPERAA', [1 1 -11  13 -17 0]
g     % Convert to logical
      %   STACK: 'OPERAA', [true true true true true false]
)     % Index
      %   STACK: 'OPERA'

We now check if the distances between letters are non-decreasing (necessary condition for the word to be swirling):

d     % Convert to code points and compute differences
      %   STACK: [1 -11  13 -17]
t|    % Duplicate and take absolute value
      %   STACK: [1 -11  13 -17], [1 11  13 17]
d     % Differences
      %   STACK: [1 -11  13 -17], [10 2 4]
ZS    % Signum
      %   STACK: [1 -11  13 -17], [1 1 1]
Xz    % Remove zeros (gives a vertical vector). Needed for words like 'IRIS',
      % where some consecutive distances are equal
      %   STACK: [1 -11  13 -17], [1; 1; 1]
&=    % All pairwise equality comparisons. Gives a matrix. If all the signs 
      % were equal the matrix will contain all ones
      %   STACK: [1 -11  13 -17], [1 1 1; 1 1 1; 1 1 1]

We then check if the letters go back and forth (this is the other condition for the word to be swirling):

w     % Swap
      %   STACK: [1 1 1; 1 1 1; 1 1 1], [1 -11  13 -17]
ZS    % Signum
      %   STACK: [1 1 1; 1 1 1; 1 1 1], [1 -1 1 -1]
d     % Differences
      %   STACK: [1 1 1; 1 1 1; 1 1 1], [-2 2 -2]

Lastly, we check if the two conditions hold, and in that case produce the output:

h     % Concatenate horizontally
      %   STACK: [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -2 2 -2]
?     % If all elements are nonzero
  4M  %   Push first signum array without zeros, from the automatic clipboard
      %     STACK: [1; 1; 1]
  1)  %   Get first element (tells if first difference was positive or negative)
      %     STACK: 1
  3M  %   Push second signum array, from the automatic clipboard
      %     STACK: 1, [1 -1 1 -1]
  1)  %   Get first element (tells if first movement was right or left)
      %     STACK: 1, 1
      %   Implicitly end if
      % Implicitly display

Mathematica, 117 111 bytes

Thanks to JHM for saving 6 bytes, and making it case-insensitive to boot!


Unnamed function that takes a string and returns a nested list of booleans in the form {{B1,B2},B3,B4}. B4 records whether the word is swirling (and if it's not, the rest of the output is garbage). If the word is swirling, then B1 records whether the word is centrifugal, B2 records whether the word is centripetal, and B3 records whether the word is clockwise (True) or counterclockwise (False).

Here's a longer version that post-processes (first line) the above function (spaced over the 2nd-5th lines) to make it identical to the OP: NO if the word isn't swirling, and the appropriate choice of {SW,CF,CW} , {SW,CF,CC} , {SW,CP,CW}, or {SW,CP,CC} if the word is swirling:

If[#3, {SW, If[#[[1]], CF, CP], If[#2, CW, CC]}, NO] & @@
  {o = OrderedQ /@
    {a = Abs[d = Differences[# & @@@ Split@LetterNumber@#]], Reverse@a},
  d[[1]] > 0,
  Or @@ o && Max[Most[d] Rest@d] < 0} &

The explanation is the same as in Martin Ender's CJam answer, with one additional note: the list of consecutive differences must alternate in sign for the word to be swirling, and that can be detected by making sure all products of pairs of consecutive differences are negative (that's what Max[Most[d]Rest@d]<0 does).

Running the function on all 40,000+ words of Mathematica's WordList[], we find the following 8-letter swirling words, which are the longest of their respective swirling types:

operetta    {SW, CF, CW}
opposite    {SW, CF, CW}
stowaway    {SW, CF, CW}
assassin    {SW, CP, CW}
assessor    {SW, CP, CW}
baccarat    {SW, CF, CC}
keenness    {SW, CF, CC}
positive    {SW, CF, CC}

(Brownie points to positive for having no double letters, and fewer repeated letters than stowaway.)

But the absolute champion is the 9-letter counterclockwise-swirling centripetal word vassalage!

Scala, 110 bytes

def/(s:String)={val ? =s.sliding(2).map(t=>(t(0)-t(1)).abs).toSeq

Returns a tuple (a,b) with

  • a == 1 if s is centripetal
  • a == 0 if s is centrifugal
  • a == -1 if s is not swirling


  • b == true if s is clockwise
  • b == false if s is counterclockwise
  • b can be true or false if s is not swirling


def/(s:String)={      //define a method called / with a String argument
  val ? =s            //define ? as...
    .sliding(2)       //an iterator for each two consecutive elements
    .map(t=>          //foreach 2 chars
      (t(0)-t(1)).abs //get the absolute value of their difference
    .toSeq            //and convert the iterator to a Seq, because iterator doesn't have reverse and sorted methods
  (                   //return a tuple of
    Seq(?,?reverse)     //a Seq of ? and reversed ?
    .indexOf(?sorted)   //and check which of them is sorted ?
  ,                   //and
   s(0)< s(1)          //the difference bewteen the first two elements of the string.