So sayeth the Shepherd

MATL, 60 56 53 bytes

:"@qXJx[HKCbO]"7Z"'  |-|  'v'o'@('--|-|--  '  JVhXxXD

The animation with the above code runs very fast. The following version includes a pause to make the animation slower and thus easier to see (not required by the challenge), at the cost of 4 more bytes:

:"@qXJx[HKCbO]"7Z"'  |-|  'v'o'@('--|-|--  '  JVhXxXD.2Y.

Try it at MATL Online! The interpreter is a beta; refresh the page if it doesn't work.

Or see a recording from the offline compiler:

enter image description here


:"              % Input N implicitly. Repeat N times
  @q            %   Push iteration index minus 1, that is, from 0 to N-1. This
                %   are the numbers of sheep
  XJx           %   Copy into clipboard J and delete
  [HKCbO]       %   Push array [2 4 7 -2 0]
  "             %   For each value in that array. This loops generates the 5
                %   frames for each number of sheep
    7Z"         %     Push string of 7 spaces
    '  |-|  '   %     Push this string
    v           %     Concatenate vertically. This gives a 2x7 char array
                %     with the upper part of the frame, except the 'o',
                %     which will be now placed in a varying position 
    'o'         %     Push string 'o'
    @           %     Push loop variable, that is, 2, 4, 7, -2 or 0
    (           %     Write 'o' into that position of the 2x7 char array.
                %     The position is interpreated linearly, that is, a single
                %     number is used as index into the 2D array in column-major
                %     order (down, then across). So index 2 is lower-left corner,
                %     index 4 is to the right of that etc. Indexing is
                %     semi-modular (modular for non-positive values). So 0 is
                %     the lower-right corner, and -2 is to the left of that
    '--|-|--  ' %     Push this string
    JV          %     Push current number of sheep converted to string
    h           %     Concatenate horizontally
    Xx          %     Clear screen
    XD          %     Display all stack contents
    .2Y.        %     Pause for 0.2 seconds (optional)
                %   End implicitly
                % End implicitly

JavaScript (ES6), 120 124 bytes

f=(n,m=`   2
──|-|── `,s=0)=>n?alert(m.replace(s%5,'o').replace(/\d/g,' ')+' '+(n-1),(++s%5?f(n,m,s):f(n-1,m,0))):''

The last frame computed is showing first. Thanks to this the jump number is n-1
In alert, charaters have different width so it looks like it's broken.

f=(n,m=`   2
──|-|── `,s=0)=>n?alert(m.replace(s%5,'o').replace(/\d/g,' ')+' '+(n-1),(++s%5?f(n,m,s):f(n-1,m,0))):''

f(2);//You'll get 10 alert popup

Previous answer:

120 bytes, the jump number is wrong because it starts at 1 instead of 0

f=(n,m=`   2
──|-|── `,s=0)=>n?alert(m.replace(s%5,'o').replace(/\d/g,' ')+' '+n,(++s%5?f(n,m,s):f(n-1,m,0))):''

JavaScript (ES6), 144 142 bytes

Clears the output and waits 300ms between each frame:

n=>(F=j=>((c=console).clear(),c.log(`   2
──|-|── `.replace(/\d/g,i=>(j-i)%5?' ':'o')+(j/5|0)),++j<n*5&&setTimeout(`F(${j})`,300)))(0)

You can test it here (make sure to open the console).