Find the missing number in an undelimited string

Haskell, 115 112 bytes

g b|a<-[b!!0..last b]=last$0:[c|c<-a,b==filter(/=c)a] read.words.concat).mapM(\c->[[c],c:" "])

The first line is a helper function definition, the second is the main anonymous function. Verify test cases (I had to run shorter tests because of time restrictions).


This is a brute force solution: split the string into words in all possible ways, parse the words to integers, see whether it's a range with one element missing (returning that element, and 0 otherwise), and take the maximum over all splittings. The range-with-missing-element check is done in the helper function g, which takes a list b and returns the sole element in the range [head of b..last of b] that's not in b, or 0 if one doesn't exist.

g b|                         -- Define g b
    a<-[b!!0..last b]=       -- (with a as the range [head of b..last of b]) as:
    last$0:[...]             --  the last element of this list, or 0 if it's empty:
            c|c<-a,          --   those elements c of a for which
            b==filter(/=c)a  --   removing c from a results in b.
mapM(\c->[[c],c:" "])        -- Main function: Replace each char c in input with "c" or "c "
map(...)                     -- For each resulting list of strings: read.words.concat    --  concatenate, split at spaces, parse to list of ints, apply g
maximum                      -- Maximum of results (the missing element, if exists)

C, 183 168 166 163 bytes




    /* Start at length 1, counting upwards, while we haven't
       found a proper number of missing numbers (0 or 1) */
        /* Start at the beginning of the string, convert the
           first l chars to an integer... */
            /* If the next number is missing, then skip, otherwise
               move forward in the string.... */

    printf("%d",d); /* print the missing number */

JavaScript (ES6), 117 bytes



Fairly efficient approach. Finishes instantly for all test cases.

Gets each substring from the beginning of the input string as a number n and initialises the missing number m to 0. It then repeatedly removes n from the start of the string, increments n and searches the string for it. If index of n != 0, it checks m. If m == 0, set m = n and continue, if not, there are multiple missing numbers so stop checking from this substring. This process continues until the entire string has been removed.

var solution =

  eval(`                     // use eval to use for loops without writing {} or return
      i=                     // i = index of next substring the check
      l=0;                   // l = length of initial substring n
      s[i];                  // if it completed successfully i would equal s.length
        n=s.slice(           // n = current number to search for, initialise to subtring l
          x=                 // x = index of n relative to the end of the previous n
          i=                 // set i to the beginning of the string
          m=0,               // m = missing number, initialise to 0
          ++l                // increment initial substring length
        s[i]&&               // stop if we have successfully reached the end of the string
        !x|!m;               // stop if there are multiple missing numbers
        x=                   // get index of ++n
          s.slice(           // search a substring that starts from the end of the previous
                             //     number so that we avoid matching numbers before here
            x?i:             // if the previous n was missing, don't increment i
            i+=(n+"").length // move i to the end of the previous number
          .search(++n)       // increment n and search the substring for it's index
        m=x?n:m              // if the previous number was missing, set m to it
  `)                         // implicit: return m
<input type="text" id="input" value="8632456863245786324598632460" />
<button onclick="result.textContent=solution(input.value)">Go</button>
<pre id="result"></pre>