Output the current time in ascii art

Perl, 592 579 540 522 510 bytes

Under a sector!

($L,$C,$b)=unpack"W/aW/aB*",q!12346677889999 _|/\)(
'<,>.` PP¨ 
¨@T @ôäð˜SÀ§€fÌU`à¨Àäð'€GÖf`3 X½`fÍ5 s Î|½`gËÖ— $¡))õ™˜À8Sô BÁªx~O àÔýåËþÏÃÆ~O‡ŸY¬Àf s 
½`À*õŸ/X8|½`p>^€<¯å­kgúºÖ·Óʸ°ªÀj® kª¸•p¸å\×   ­ô!;@c=map{$i<<=$_-$P if$_>$P;$P=$_;sprintf"%${l}b",$i++}$L=~/./g;while($b){$b=~s/^$c[$_]// and$g.=($C=~/./sg)[$_]for 0..$#c}$_=pop;s/-/:/;y/apm-/;</d;for$a(0..5){map{$o.=substr((split$/,$g)[$a],($x=-48+ord)*12,('6356766766099'=~/./g)[$x]+3)}/./g;$o.=$/}print$o

This program expects the time in the 2nd format ("12-34-am") as a commandline argument.


($L,$C,$b) = unpack "W/aW/aB*",             # extract code lengths, chars, and bitstream
    q!12346677889999 _|/\)(
'<,>.` PP¨ 
¨@T @ôäð˜SÀ§€fÌU`à¨Àäð'€GÖf`3 X½`fÍ5 s Î|½`gËÖ— $¡))õ™˜À8Sô BÁªx~O àÔýåËþÏÃÆ~O‡ŸY¬Àf s 
½`À*õŸ/X8|½`p>^€<¯å­kgúºÖ·Óʸ°ªÀj® kª¸•p¸å\×   ­ô!;
@c = map {                                  # reconstruct huffman prefix codes
    $i <<= $_-$P if $_ > $P;                # increase code size
    $P = $_;                                # keep track of previous code
    sprintf "%${l}b", $i++                  # append code as bitstring
$L=~/./g;                                   # canonical huffman prefix lengths
while ( $b ) {                              # decompress font
        $b =~ s/^$c[$_]//                   # match and strip prefix code
        and $g .= ($C=~/./sg)[$_]           # append char for prefix code
    for 0..$#c                              # iterate prefix codes in order
}                                           # luckily we can omit checking trailing bytes    

$_ = pop;                                   # get cmdline arg "12-34-am"    
s/-/:/;                                     # ord(':')-ord('0')=10
y/apm-/;</d;                                # 'a'-> chr(11), 'p' -> chr(12), strip -,m
for $a (0..5) {                             # iterate 6 output lines
    map {                                   # iterate each char in input
        $o .= substr(
            ( split $/, $g )[$a],           # grab line $a
            ( $x=-48+ord ) * 12,            # $x=glyph index, 12=glyph width
            ('6356766766099'=~/./g)[$x]+3   # glyph display width
    } /./g;
    $o .= $/                                # append newline
print $o                                    # output

Note that due to character encoding issues, when you paste the above code in a file, the output may be somewhat malformed. So here's the golfed version, base-64 encoded. Copy it, and paste it into base64 -d > 510.pl:


Here's the font I'm using. I've spaced the glyphs 12 characters apart (the size of the am/pm) for easy indexing.

   ___        __          ___         ____        _  _        _____         __        ______       ___         ___            
  / _ \      /_ |        |__ \       |___ \      | || |      | ____|       / /       |____  |     / _ \       / _ \      _  
 | | | |      | |           ) |        __) |     | || |_     | |__        / /_           / /     | (_) |     | (_) |    (_)          __ _ _ __   _ __ _ __ 
 | | | |      | |          / /        |__ <      |__   _|    |___ \      | '_ \         / /       > _ <       \__, |     _          / _` | '  \ | '_ \ '  \
 | |_| |      | |         / /_        ___) |        | |       ___) |     | (_) |       / /       | (_) |        / /     (_)         \__,_|_|_|_|| .__/_|_|_|
  \___/       |_|        |____|      |____/         |_|      |____/       \___/       /_/         \___/        /_/                              |_|

This font is 592 bytes.
The previous approach used a few variations on RLE compression to reduce this to 353 bytes, at the cost of 78 bytes decompression code.
The Huffman coding compresses the font to 221 bytes at the cost of 154 bytes for the decompression algorithm.

C++, 938 Bytes

Revised version with some basic compression of input data: Test here

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
int main(){char e[]="!1`2!3`1!2`1!4`2!4`!1`!4`4!4`1!3`5!4`2!4`2!35^!`!]!1^`!}!}`1!]!1}`2!]!1}!}1!}!2}!`3}!2^!^!2}`3!1}!2^!`!]!2^!`!]!31`!}!}!}!}!1}!}!3*!}!2`1*!}!}!}1!}`!1}!}`1!3^!^`!6^!^!2}!)`*!}!}!)`*!}!2`1!`!`!`1!3`!`1!`!`1!4)`*}!}!}!}!1}!}!2^!^!2}`1!=!1}`1!2`}!}`2!]!1}!(`!]!4^!^!4?!`!=!2]`1-!}!1^!`a!}!(!1]!1}!(`!]!(!1]!4`!}!}`}!}!1}!}!1^!^`!2`2*!}!3}!}!3`2*!}!}!)`*!}!2^!^!4}!)`*!}!3^!^!2]`1-`}`}`}`}!}!/`1^`}`}`}!2)`*!]`2^!2}`}!}`3}!}`3^!4}`}!2}`3^!2]`2^!2^`^!6]`2^!3^`^!16}`}!14",l[]="8578988998>?3",f[666],*q=f,*p=e,c,r;time_t z;time(&z);tm*u=localtime(&z);while(*p){if(*p>47&&*p<58){r=*p++-48;if(*p>47&&*p<58)r=r*10+*p++-48;while(r--)*q++=c;}else{*q++=c=*p++==94?48:p[-1];}}c=u->tm_hour;sprintf(e,"%02d<%02d%c",c%12,u->tm_min,':'+c/12);for(int s,n,o,r=0;r<6;r++){for(q=e;*q;q++){o=r*111;for(n=0; n<*q-48;n++)o+=l[n]-48;s=l[n]-48;for(n=o;n<o+s;n++)putchar(f[n]-1);}putchar('\n');}return 0;}

Bash + GNU utilities + figlet, 134

Not sure if figlet is allowed or not, but it does seem to provide the right fonts - big for the digits and small for the : and {a,p}m:

f=figlet\ -f
b()(date +%$1|sed 's/./& /g'|$f big)
b -I|paste - <(echo "    ";$f small ": ") <(b M) <(echo;date +%P|$f small)|tr \\t \ 

The rest is just getting the right info from date and shuffling the formating around so it looks right:

  ___          _____    ___    
 / _ \    _   | ____|  / _ \               
| (_) |  (_)  | |__   | | | |   __ _ _ __  
 > _ <    _   |___ \  | | | |  / _` | '  \ 
| (_) |  (_)   ___) | | |_| |  \__,_|_|_|_|
 \___/        |____/   \___/               

Figlet may be installed on Ubuntu with sudo apt-get install figlet.