Find a binary needle in a decimal haystack

05AB1E, 10 8 bytes

Takes the needle in binary to save 1 byte.

-2 bytes thanks to Emigna


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œJÙʒbŒIå   Arguments: a, n
œJÙ        Get all unique permutations of a
   ʒ       Filter: Keep if following code returns true
    b      Convert to binary
     Π    Get all substrings
      Iå   Check if substrings contain n
           Implicit output of filtered list

Python 2, 90 bytes

-3 bytes thanks to @Gábor Fekete

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Takes as input array of strings, representing ints from hay and string, representing needle in binary

from itertools import*
lambda H,N:{i for i in permutations(H)if N in bin(int(''.join(i)))}

Java 10, 320 312 305 297 292 bytes

import java.util.*;Set s=new HashSet();l->n->{Long q=0;p(l,0);for(var x:s)if(q.toString(q.decode(x+""),2).contains(n))System.out.println(x);}void p(List l,int k){int i=k,x=l.size();for(Collections C=null;i<x;p(l,k+1),C.swap(l,k,i++))C.swap(l,i,k);if(k>x-2)s.add((l+"").replaceAll("\\D",""));}

Input as List & binary-String, output as Strings on new-lines.


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import java.util.*;           // Required import for Set, HashSet, List, and Collections

Set s=new HashSet();          // Class-level Set

l->n->{                       // Method (1) with List and String parameters and no return-type
  Long q=0;                   //  Number-object is required for two static method-calls below
  p(l,0);                     //  Determine all permutations of given list and put it in the Set
  for(var x:s)                //  Loop over these permutations
                              //   If the binary String of the current permutation
        .contains(n))         //   contains the binary String of the input integer
      System.out.println(x);} //    Print this permutation

void p(List l,int k){         // Method (2) with List and integer parameters and no return-type
  int i=k,x=l.size();         //  Two temp integers
  for(Collections C;          //  Collections-object is required for two static method-calls below
      i<x                     //  Loop `i` in the range [`k`, list-size)
      ;                       //    After every iteration:
       p(l,k+1),              //     Do a recursive-call to this method with `k+1`
                              //     And swap the items at indices `k` and `i` back
    Collections.swap(l,i,k);  //   Swap the items at indices `i` and `k`
  if(k>x-2)                   //  If `k` is now equal to the size of the list - 1
                              //   Add this permutation to the Set