How to correctly set initial state in React with Typescript without constructor?

Am I doing it the correct way?


Is setting class property directly considered a bad style in Typescript?


A slightly better approach

Consider declaring state as public readonly, and using the Readonly modifier.

This will satisfy TSLint while also giving you some protection against being modified incorrectly (ie. not using this.setState). Even though state is still exposed to the outside, this is never usually a problem.

interface IState {
  value: number;

class App extends React.Component<{}, IState> {
  public readonly state: Readonly<IState> = {
    value: 10

  public render() {
    return <div>{this.state.value}</div>

The TSLint rule

Declaring access modifiers explicitly is a good thing, even if it results in the same access implicitly. It helps keep your code clear, so I wouldn't disable this TSLint rule.