Explode arguments in argument list

You can use another separator different than @ that doesn't change catcodes, or use

\begingroup\lccode`;=`@ \lowercase{\endgroup

instead of


but note that you won't be able to use it in a \makeatletter part of the code.

And the full game

\begingroup\lccode`;=`@ \lowercase{\endgroup

\def\explode{\ifnum\catcode`@=11 \expandafter\explodeletter\else\expandafter\explodeother\fi}
\begingroup\lccode`;=`@ \lowercase{\endgroup

  \@for\elem:=#1\do{\explode{\elem}1:\@pOne-2:\@pTwo, }%

This last one checks the catcode of @ and uses the letter-@ division or other-@ division accordingly.

It is a category code problem of @. The definition used category code "letter", whereas the category code of @ is usually "other" in the main document, example:


% \FunLetter using @ with category code "letter"


    \@for\elem:=#1\do{\ExplodeLetter{\elem}1:\@pOne-2:\@pTwo, }%

% \FunOther using @ with category code "other"


      \@for\elem:=#1\do{\ExplodeOther{\elem}1:\@pOne-2:\@pTwo, }%


\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{ }l@{}}
\verb|\FunLetter|:& \FunLetter\\
\verb|\FunLetter[a@b,c@d,e@f,g,]|:& \FunLetter[a@b,c@d,e@f,g,]\\
\verb|\FunOther|:& \FunOther\\
\verb|\FunOther[a@b,c@d,e@f,g,]|:& \FunOther[a@b,c@d,e@f,g,]

\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{ }l@{}}
\verb|\FunLetter|:& \FunLetter\\
\verb|\FunLetter[a@b,c@d,e@f,g,]|:& \FunLetter[a@b,c@d,e@f,g,]\\
\verb|\FunOther|:& \FunOther\\
\verb|\FunOther[a@b,c@d,e@f,g,]|:& \FunOther[a@b,c@d,e@f,g,]



  • Checking for both @ tokens with category code "letter" and "other".
  • Using a different separator character. For example, there are lots of key value parser, if the equals sign = is uses as separating character, e.g. package kvsetkeys.

As already explained, the problem is that @ has category code 11 at definition time, but category code 12 at usage time.

Here's an implementation with xparse; the \SplitArgument processor pushes -NoValue- when the argument hasn't the indicated number of tokens to split at, so it's necessary to use \IfValueT in order to print the second part when existing.



  \doexplosion#1, %

  1:#1-\IfValueT{#2}{#2}% No @ pushes -NoValue-





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