Killing Magic Numbers: "const int" vs "constexpr int" (or is there no difference in the end)

const int can be used as part of a constant expression only if it was initialized from one, but it doesn't give you the guarantee that it was.

const int i = 42; // OK, usable in a constant expression
int j = 42;
const int k = j;  // OK, not usable in a constant expression

constexpr int guarantees that the initializer for your variable is a constant expression, otherwise your program will not compile.

constexpr int i = 42; // OK, usable in a constant expression
int j = 42;
constexpr int k = j;  // Compile-time error, 'j' is not a constant expression

Therefore, if you want to ensure that your initializer is indeed a constant expression, constexpr is a better choice.

Is there any meaningful difference between the two in this case (I recall the compilering deducing that - in either case - the value does not change and actually hardcodes the 42 in the resulting loop/unrolled loop/whatever code) or does it come down to personal taste?

There won't be any difference in codegen in the case you have shown.

However, the difference is that a constexpr variable guarantees that the value is known at compile-time. See VittorioRomeo's answer.

It is also good to write constexpr if it is truly a compile-time value, for documentation purposes: when someone reads your code and sees constexpr, they automatically know it is a truly fixed value. This is important in the case the initialization is non-trivial (e.g. a call to a function).

You can also see constexpr variables as the true replacement for C macros that contained literals (e.g. #define FOO 123).

Finally, remember that constexpr implies const.

In a related issue: what if the magic number (and the thing that replaces it) were declared in a header file instead of a .ccp file - would that change things?

No. However, if you are declaring global variables in a header file, you probably want to use inline (available in C++17) on top of constexpr, so that you only have a single entity in the program, which is an advantage to avoid ODR issues and possibly save memory and initialization time.

See Should `const` and `constexpr` variables in headers be `inline` to prevent ODR violations? for more information.