Equation Left Alignment and centered numbering

I'd preserve the inner structure, with one part per summation (the second one split across lines)

\usepackage{lipsum} % for mock text


 & \sum_{v\in \mathcal{V}} C^{AV}y_v \\
 & +\sum_{\substack{a\in \mathcal{A},\\v\in \mathcal{V}}}
     &   C^{\mathrm{FUEL}}T_{o_a d_a}x_{av} \\
     & + (C^{\mathrm{FUEL}}+C^{\mathrm{ZOV}})u_{av} \\
     & + C^{\mathrm{TAXI}}(1-x_{av}) \\
     & + C^{\mathrm{PARK}}_{d_a}(q_{av}-g_{av})h_{av} \\
     & + C^{\mathrm{PARK}}_0(q_{av}-g_{av})(1-h_{av})\Bigr]
   \end{aligned} \\
 & +\sum_{a\in \mathcal{A}}(C^{\mathrm{EARLY}}e_a +C^{\mathrm{LATE}}l_a).


enter image description here

If you adopt Times also for the math material, you're possibly able to squeeze more material in a line:

\usepackage{lipsum} % for mock text


 & \sum_{v\in \mathcal{V}} C^{AV}y_v \\
 & +\sum_{\substack{a\in \mathcal{A},\\v\in \mathcal{V}}}
     &   C^{\mathrm{FUEL}}T_{o_a d_a}x_{av} + (C^{\mathrm{FUEL}}+C^{\mathrm{ZOV}})u_{av} \\
     & + C^{\mathrm{TAXI}}(1-x_{av}) + C^{\mathrm{PARK}}_{d_a}(q_{av}-g_{av})h_{av} \\
     & + C^{\mathrm{PARK}}_0(q_{av}-g_{av})(1-h_{av})\Bigr]
   \end{aligned} \\
 & +\sum_{a\in \mathcal{A}}(C^{\mathrm{EARLY}}e_a +C^{\mathrm{LATE}}l_a).


enter image description here

In any case, the textual superscript should be in upright type, like C^{\mathrm{FUEL}}.

A proposition with alignedat. I used only \Big brackets, which I think are large enough. Inside these brackets, I grouped some lines. Last, words used as indices of exponents should be treated as roman text, to have the proper spacing between the letters in the words (a word is not a product of variables)




      \min\phantom{ + } & \sum_{v\in \mathcal{V}} C^\textrm{AV}y_v & + \smash[b]{\sum_{\substack{a\in \mathcal{A},\\v\in \mathcal{V}}}}
     \Bigl[ &C^\textrm{FUEL}T_{o_a d_a}x_{av} + \left(C^\textrm{FUEL}+C^\textrm{ZOV}\right)u_{av}\\[-1ex]
        & & &{} +C^\textrm{TAXI}\left(1-x_{av}\right) +C^\textrm{PARK}_{d_a}\left(q_{av}-g_{av}\right)h_{av} \\
       & & &{} +C^\textrm{PARK}_0\left(q_{av}-g_{av}\right)\left(1-h_{av}\right)\Bigr] \\
      + & \sum_{a\in \mathcal{A}}\mathrlap{\left(C^\textrm{EARLY}e_a +C^\textrm{LATE}l_a\right).}


enter image description here