How to draw the figure inscribed in a circle?

Not an answer, but should settle the issue of the radius.


With the radius r=1+sqrt(5) (easy to get!).

enter image description here

\def\cc{(2,0) arc(270:90:1) arc(0:180:1) arc(0:-180:1) arc(90:270:1) arc(90:-90:1) arc(180:360:1) arc(180:0:1) arc(-90:90:1)--cycle;}
\fill[teal] (0,0) circle(\r);
\draw[fill=white] \cc;
\fill[green!50] (-2,-2) rectangle (2,2);
\clip (-2,-2) rectangle (2,2);
\fill[purple!50] \cc;
\draw \cc;

Update. Now I realise that using fit library is not suitable for this situation. In fact, smallest-circle problem is more complicated than direct calculating the above radius.

Another way without calculation is using library through after finding out the tangent point as follows.

enter image description here

\path (0,0)--(1,2)--([turn]0:1) coordinate (M);
\node[circle through=(M),draw,fill=cyan] at (0,0) {};
\draw[fill=white] (2,0) arc(270:90:1) arc(0:180:1) arc(0:-180:1) arc(90:270:1) arc(90:-90:1) arc(180:360:1) arc(180:0:1) arc(-90:90:1)--cycle;

Is it reasonable that the library through is just for circle through?!

enter image description here

\path (0,0)--(1,2)--([turn]0:1) coordinate (M);
\draw[fill=violet!50] (0,0) 
let \p1=(M) in circle({veclen(\x1,\y1)});
\draw[fill=white] (2,0) arc(270:90:1) arc(0:180:1) arc(0:-180:1) arc(90:270:1) arc(90:-90:1) arc(180:360:1) arc(180:0:1) arc(-90:90:1)--cycle;

You don't need to know the radius of the big circle



\tkzInterLC(O,X)(X,C) \tkzGetSecondPoint{F}
% or \tkzDefPointWith[colinear normed=at X,K=1](O,X) \tkzGetPoint{F}
  \foreach \c/\t in {S/C,R/B,U/A,T/D}
\foreach \c/\t in {X/C,Y/B,Z/A,W/D}
  \foreach \c/\t in {S/C,R/B,U/A,T/D}

enter image description here


Tikz Pgf