Equal font sizes in equation while using Beamer

The default text size used by beamer is 11pt, which must be referred to as \@xipt. Just for an example I tried very big math font sizes, using the Arev fonts to overcome problems in font loading:



Text $m_{a}+t+\sqrt{h}$

enter image description here

Similar declarations should be made for the other sizes, if you plan to use math in \large, \small or similar contexts.

However, I don't think that changing the math sizes is a good thing to do.

After seeing the minimal example and the real problem you have, I suggest you to use the \cfrac command provided by amsmath.


\frametitle{test equation to have a same font size}
           x = \cfrac{1}{x + \cfrac{1}{x + \cfrac{1}{x}}}


enter image description here