Efficiently insert massive amount of rows in Psycopg2

Based on the answers given here, COPY is the fastest method. COPY reads from a file or file-like object.

Since memory I/O is many orders of magnitude faster than disk I/O, it is faster to write the data to a StringIO file-like object than to write to an actual file. The psycopg docs show an example of calling copy_from with a StringIO as input.

Therefore, you could use something like:

    # Python2
    from cStringIO import StringIO 
except ImportError:
    # Python3
    from io import StringIO

def db_insert_spectrum(curs, visual_data, recording_id):
    f = StringIO()
    # visual_data is a 2D array (a nx63 matrix)
    values_list = []
    for rowIndex, rowData in enumerate(visual_data):
        items = []
        for colIndex, colData in enumerate(rowData): 
            value = (rowIndex, colIndex, colData, recording_id)
            items.append('\t'.join(map(str, value))+'\n')
    cur.copy_from(f, 'spectrums', columns=('row', 'col', 'value', 'recording_id'))

I don't know whether .execute_batch can accept generator, but can u try something like:

def db_insert_spectrum(curs, visual_data, recording_id):
    sql = """
        INSERT INTO spectrums (row, col, value, recording_id)
        VALUES %s
    data_gen =  ((rIdx, cIdx, value, recording_id) for rIdx, cData in enumerate(visual_data) 
                                               for cIdx, value in enumerate(cData))
    psycopg2.extras.execute_batch(curs, sql, data_gen, page_size=1000)

It might be faster.