EditText Settext not working with Fragment

There are some classes of View in Android should save their status when their container is detached. Fragment.onViewCreated() should be called before View.onSaveInstanceState(). So if you set a value in the method Fragment.onViewCreated(). The value should be cleared in the method View.onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state).

For example,class TextView,RecyclerView and so on.You can read the code of TextView.java:

    public Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() {
    Parcelable superState = super.onSaveInstanceState();

    // Save state if we are forced to
    final boolean freezesText = getFreezesText();
    boolean hasSelection = false;
    int start = -1;
    int end = -1;
    if (freezesText || hasSelection) {
        SavedState ss = new SavedState(superState);

There are to params to control whether to save the state: "freezesText" and "hasSelection". TextView can't be selected,so hasSelection is false. the function ,getFreezesText(),return false in class TextView too. So,TextView would not save the state. the code of EditText.java:

    public boolean getFreezesText() {
    return true;

EditText return true,so EditText should save the state.

There some method to fix this bug:

1.implement EditText.getFreezesText() and return false,and clear the state of select in EditText

2.implement onSaveInstanceState of EditText, return null.like this:

 public Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() {
     return null;

3.use EditText.setSaveEnable(false);

4.add param in xml " saveEnable='false'"

According to the @TusharVengrulekar , this is how you must implement your Fragment

public class ActionBar extends Fragment {

private TextView lbl_title;
private String title;

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_action_bar, container, false);
    title = "Contacts";
    lbl_title = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.lbl_title);

    return view;

public void onStart(){


public void onResume(){

As mentioned earlier, the EditText appears to have an issue with resetting text in onCreateView.

This is because once a fragment is created , till the time we remove it from the backstack, its method onResume would be called as the view is not created again.

So the solution here is to reset the text in onResume. This will work on all times even if u lock and unlock ur screen while that fragment is open or you are coming back from another fragment

However if you are setting this data from a bundle it is better tonsave that value in an instance variable cause the bundle might come null amd u can gett null pointer issues then

The EditText appears to have an issue with resetting text in onCreateView. So the solution here is to reset the text in onResume. This works.

Also there's an issue in onActivityCreated. I reset edittext's content in onStart and it works. [credits to @savepopulation]