Easy way to get IP address from hostname using a Unix shell

Solution 1:

host <hostname>


serv ~ $ host stackoverflow.com
stackoverflow.com has address


On Linux, (and some OS X variants, at least), you might be able to use resolveip, which is part of the MySQL server package:

 ...     localhost localhost.localdomain foo

serv ~ $ resolveip foo
IP address of foo is

Solution 2:

This ancient post seem to have many creative solutions.

If I need to make sure also /etc/hosts gets accessed, I tend to use

getent hosts somehost.com

This works, at least if `/etc/nsswitch.conf' has been configured to use files (as it usually is).

Solution 3:

For IPv4 there is a standard program which works out of the box using the resolver including /etc/hosts:

ip="`gethostip -d "$host"`"

It is part of Debian, install it with:

apt-get install syslinux

For other protocols than IPv4 (like IPv6) I currently don't know a similar tool. Update: Because of this I just wrote a small tool which is capable to resolve IPv6, too:


It is thought for a quick and dirty shell use like gethostip but allows IPv6, too:

ip="`ipof -6 -- heise.de`"

It also can be used interactively, for example:

ipof -a -d -x -v -h -


Solution 4:

You can do this with standard system calls. Here's an example in Perl:

use strict; use warnings;
use Socket;
use Data::Dumper;

my @addresses = gethostbyname('google.com');
my @ips = map { inet_ntoa($_) } @addresses[4 .. $#addresses];
print Dumper(\@ips);

produces the output:

$VAR1 = [

(On the command-line, the same script can be written as: perl -MSocket -MData::Dumper -wle'my @addresses = gethostbyname("google.com"); my @ips = map { inet_ntoa($_) } @addresses[4 .. $#addresses]; print Dumper(\@ips)')

You can do this similarly in other languages -- see the man page for the system calls at man -s3 gethostbyname etc.

Solution 5:

Why not dig +short hostname ?

(query DNS)