Dynamically changing the CSS of a button, using JavaScript, and custom variables


The other answer was actually correct the actual problem was the spaces before the % sign. I cleaned it up when I manually moved the code over:

var color = 'linear-gradient(to right, ' + color1 + ' 0 % , ' + color2 + ' 51 % ,' + color3 + ' 100 % )';

Should be:

var color = 'linear-gradient(to right, ' + color1 + ' 0% , ' + color2 + ' 51% ,' + color3 + ' 100% )';

Here's the CodePen https://codepen.io/anon/pen/bzZmrm - note you can use the CSS and JS boxes to input your respective code.

This line here is the culprit:

var color = 'linear - gradient(to right, ' + color1 + ' 0 % , ' + color2 + ' 51 % ,' + color3 + ' 100 % )';

As pointed out earlier, there should not be a space between linear - gradient, instead it should be linear-gradient. The other issue is that there are also spaces in the percentages of the steps. 0 % should be 0%.

If you remove the spaces, you will get the intended result. However, to avoid problems that stem from dynamically building strings with the concatenation operator, I invite you to take a look at template literals.

Here is the same statement using template literals. I personally find that it is less confusing to read.

var color = `linear-gradient(to right, ${color1} 0%, ${color2} 51% , ${color3} 100%)`;

Finally, here's a CodePen applying all that I've said, in addition to using a function to build the background-image value. Hopefully, it will give you a direction to go towards.