Dynamic function docstring

(Python 3 solution)

You could make use of Python's duck typing to implement a dynamic string:

import time

def fn():

class mydoc( str ):
    def expandtabs( self, *args, **kwargs ):
        return "this is a dynamic strting created on {}".format( time.asctime() ).expandtabs( *args, **kwargs )

fn.__doc__ = mydoc()

help( fn )

Caveats: This assumes that the help function is calling .expandtabs to get the text from the __doc__ object, which works in Python 3.7. A more robust solution would implement the other str methods in order to have our duck continue acting like a duck even if the help method changes. Also note that our mydoc class derives from str, this is because help, somewhat atypically, enforces strong typing by asserting isinstance(thing.__doc__, str). Like all solutions this is a bit hacky, but whether this is a problem largely depends on the full project requirements.

You can't do what you're looking to do, in the way you want to do it.

From your description it seems like you could do something like this:

for tool in find_tools():
    def __tool(*arg):
        validate_args(tool, args)
        return execute_tool(tool, args)
    __tool.__name__ = tool.name
    __tool.__doc__ = compile_docstring(tool)
    setattr(module, tool.name, __tool)

i.e. create the documentation string dynamically up-front when you create the function. Is the a reason why the docstring has to be dynamic from one call to __doc__ to the next?

Assuming there is, you'll have to wrap your function up in a class, using __call__ to trigger the action.

But even then you've got a problem. When help() is called to find the docstring, it is called on the class, not the instance, so this kind of thing:

class ToolWrapper(object):
    def __init__(self, tool):
        self.tool = tool 
        self.__name__ = tool.name
    def _get_doc(self):
        return compile_docstring(self.tool)
    __doc__ = property(_get_doc)
    def __call__(self, *args):
        return execute_tool(tool, args)

won't work, because properties are instance, not class attributes. You can make the doc property work by having it on a metaclass, rather than the class itself

for tool in find_tools():
    # Build a custom meta-class to provide __doc__.
    class _ToolMetaclass(type):
        def _get_doc(self):
            return create_docstring(tool)
        __doc__ = property(_get_doc)

    # Build a callable class to wrap the tool.
    class _ToolWrapper(object):
        __metaclass__ = _ToolMetaclass
        def _get_doc(self):
            return create_docstring(tool)
        __doc__ = property(_get_doc)
        def __call__(self, *args):
            validate_args(tool, args)
            execute_tool(tool, args)

    # Add the tool to the module.
    setattr(module, tool.name, _ToolWrapper())

Now you can do


and get the custom docstring, or


for the same thing. The __doc__ property is in the _ToolWrapper class is needed to trap the latter case.

