Log of SVN activity for a certain user?

Here is a little hack which uses GNU's sed to execute a regular expression against the log output from the svn command. Change username to the user name you require

svn log | sed -n '/| username |/,/-----$/ p'

To get a list of your folders from a webdav config (I was on an Ubuntu box at the time of writing) try something like this....

grep SVNPath /etc/apache2/mods-available/dav_svn.conf | grep -v \# | sed 's/^\s*SVNPath //'

This simply greps once for the line, twice to remove commented lines and filters the SVNPath keyword and associated white-space characters. Your results are repo folders so if you are going to use the svn command, prepend with file://

I don't think that svn has built-in support for that feature, but you could write a little script to run

svn log --xml

In the directories of whatever repos you wanted to test, then parse it and pick only the entries done by a given user.

I second Allyn's answer, but have one addition: If you're on Windows, TortoiseSVN allows you to filter the output, including the ability to filter by user name.

