Duplicating layer in memory using pyqgis?

The following code works for me from both the Python Console and plugin. It takes the features from the source input layer and copies the attributes to a memory layer (in this case, a polygon layer but you can change it to LineString or Point depending on layer type):

layer = QgsVectorLayer("path/to/layer", "polygon", "ogr")
feats = [feat for feat in layer.getFeatures()]

mem_layer = QgsVectorLayer("Polygon?crs=epsg:4326", "duplicated_layer", "memory")

mem_layer_data = mem_layer.dataProvider()
attr = layer.dataProvider().fields().toList()


In QGIS 3 you can make a copy of a layer without saving any reference to the parent layer in this way:

clone_layer = processing.run("native:saveselectedfeatures", {'INPUT': layer, 'OUTPUT': 'memory:'})['OUTPUT']

The QgsVectorLayer class has a clone() function that allows you to clone the layer in a new layer, the problem is that if you modify the geometry in the cloned layer the original layer will be affected: the reason for this is that the data source is the same for the original layer and the cloned layer.