Duplicate icons on taskbar in IntelliJ – Windows 10


This is not actually a fix, more of a hack to make this work since it annoyed the hell out of me.

First of all, you need to find out what the AppID of the app (here IntelliJ) is. To do this, you can use Taskbar Tweaker (you can uninstall it afterwards). Open the program and go to Taskbar Inspector. The string next to the arrow is the AppID.

The current EAP version has the AppID: "IntelliJ IDEA (Minerva).-1274214200" but be sure to check, if it doesn't work (release versions of IntelliJ have different IDs)

The next thing you need is mkshortcut.exe which will create a custom shortcut for you. Check out this walk-through and follow all the steps replacing the target with the file path of idea.exe or idea64.exe and the appid with the one above.

If you now start IntelliJ from anywhere, it should group properly with the pinned icon.

Btw. This is a simplified version of this walk-through: neowin.net/forum/topic/985014-guide-pin-programs-with-custom-launchers-to-taskbar/

This seems to be working for me.

Open your idea.properties file (located in /bin) and add this line at the bottom windows.jumplist=false