Can I disable auto logon on windows 10 home

The following link describes how to change this behaviour in Windows 8 using a registry setting and some permissions on that registry setting. It also works with Windows 10.

First launch the registry editor: Press WIN + R, type regedit and click "OK".

Navigate to the following path:


Change value of the key Enabled from 0 to 1

There's one more problem to solve: The user SYSTEM automatically changes the value to 0. So we will disallow the user SYSTEM to change it.

  • Right mouse click at registry key UserSwitch -> Permissions
  • Click on Advanced and then on the Disable inheritance-button; if your are prompted with two options now, choose the first one (Convert inherited permissions into explicit ones for this object)
  • At the top of the dialog, change the owner from SYSTEM to the group Administrators (if your Windows is not in English, the name might differ a bit, e.g. in German it would be "Administratoren")
  • Select the group Administrators entry -> Allow -> full control
  • Double click the entry for SYSTEM, select type Deny and click on Show advanced permissions. Here Clear all -> only check Set value

A solution posted by Larry Jacobson on the Microsoft Community Q & A that I've confirmed works is to disable the automatic use of sign-in info for every single account on the system. You access that option in the Settings app under Accounts > Sign-in options, in the Privacy section.

Make sure to disable the option for every single account on the system, not just the account that gets signed in automatically or all accounts without a password.

Screenshot showing the disabled sign-in option in the Windows 10 Settings app

Open netplwiz by pressing Win+R, and typing netplwiz. It will give you advanced user settings. Find a check mark that says

Users must enter a username and a password to use this computer

and set it to true (check it).