Drawing Multidimensional Array Using Tikz

Something like this maybe?

\begin{tikzpicture}[x=(15:.5cm), y=(90:.5cm), z=(330:.5cm), >=stealth]
\draw (0, 0, 0) -- (0, 0, 10) (4, 0, 0) -- (4, 0, 10);
\foreach \z in {0, 5, 10} \foreach \x in {0,...,3}
  \foreach \y [evaluate={\b=random(0, 1);}] in {0,...,3}
    \filldraw [fill=white] (\x, \y, \z) -- (\x+1, \y, \z) -- (\x+1, \y+1, \z) --
      (\x, \y+1, \z) -- cycle (\x+.5, \y+.5, \z) node [yslant=tan(15)] {\b};
\draw [dashed] (0, 4, 0) -- (0, 4, 10) (4, 4, 0) -- (4, 4, 10);
\draw [->] (0, 4.5, 0)  -- (4, 4.5, 0)   node [near end, above left] {Column};
\draw [->] (-.5, 4, 0)  -- (-.5, 0, 0)   node [midway, left] {Row};
\draw [->] (4, 4.5, 10) -- (4, 4.5, 2.5) node [near end, above right] {Channel};

enter image description here

This is what I came up with:


        \draw[gray] (-4  ,-1.5) -- (6  ,3.5);
    \foreach \shift in {-5,0,5}
        \foreach \x in {1,...,4}
            \foreach \y in {1,...,4}
                    \draw[fill=white] (\x,\y) rectangle (\x+1,\y+1);
                    \node at (\x+0.5,\y+0.5) {\pgfmathrnd\pgfmathparse{round(\pgfmathresult)}
        \draw         (-4, 2.5) -- (6  ,7.5);
        \draw[dashed] (0 , 2.5) -- (10,7.5);
        \draw[dashed] (0 ,-1.5) -- (10,3.5) node[midway,anchor=south west] {Channel};

The single entries in your array are randomly generated, I did this, so that I don't have to type every entry by myself. This is what the result looks like Array

I hope the rest is pretty clear :)


Tikz Pgf