pgfplots: node near coords missing due to rounding problems

I decided that the sanest solution is to normalize the values. Here a simplified version of the code I used at the end:



 my stackbar plot/.style={
             xbar stacked,
             symbolic y coords={A,B},
             nodes near coords={xxx},}}


\pgfplotstableread[col sep=space]{
text   --    -
B      50    50
A      50.01  50

\pgfplotstablecreatecol[create col/expr={\thisrow{--}+\thisrow{-}}]{sum}\data
\pgfplotstablecreatecol[create col/expr={\thisrow{--}/\thisrow{sum}*100}]{--}\data
\pgfplotstablecreatecol[create col/expr={\thisrow{-}/\thisrow{sum}*100}]{-}\data

\begin{axis}[my stackbar plot,]
 \addplot table [x expr = \thisrow{--},y=text] {\data};
 \addplot table [x expr = \thisrow{-}, y=text] {\data};


enter image description here


Further test revealed that normalizing is not enough. The total can still be a bit larger than 100 and so the mark could get lost. It is necessary to trunc the values, see pgfplots: correct rounding problems.