Does Notepad++ support switching between tabs using numbers?

Notepad++ supports switching between tabs via the Contrl + NumberPad key combinations rather than the top level number keys.

enter image description here

If you are using a standard keyboard you could use Control+NumPad key to switch between the first 9 tabs.
You could also use Control+PageUp to switch to the Previous Tab and Control+PageDown to switch to the Next Tab. Source: Go to Notepad++ > Click on View > Tab >
Note: NumLock should be turned on.

Also found this hidden feature during experimental shortcut search on Notepad++. You can use Control+Tab to switch to the last used Tab. Also pressing and holding the Control+Tab will show you a list of all the files open in Notepad++. You could then keep pressing Tab to select which file you want to open(You could use the Up or Down Arrow keys to do the same). Control+Shift+Tab takes you to the previous file name.
Answer Bonus :): You could use Control+Tab to shift between tabs in Google Chrome too instead of using the Control+Number to switch tabs. Control+Shift+Tab will take you to the Previous Tab.

