docker-machine: command not found

Docker machine has been removed from later versions of Docker Desktop. Your going to need the docker-toolbox package.

Read here for install and co existence of the packages.

If you already have docker-desktop & want the docker-machine command, then brew install docker-machine does the trick.

My versions of the binaries in usr/local/bin/docker and usr/local/bin/docker-compose did not change, & the version of the docker client & server, but I got the docker-machine binary extra.

run unset ${!DOCKER_*} if you want to use docker-desktop.

The docker docs are a bit confusing because they seem to address the case where you have docker-machine first, not the case where you have desktop first.

For Windows, if you have chocolatey installed, you follow the steps:

  1. open a command shell with "Run as Administrator" selected (I tested this on my work laptop).
  2. run "choco install docker-machine"

Docker machine is now merged into the docker command, So instead of using

docker-machine init


docker swarm init

And instead of

docker-machine join


docker swarm join

for more command just use this:

docker swarm --help