Do open source libraries exist for VHDL the way they do for C++ or python?

I'm a developer and maintainer at 'The PoC Library'. We try to provide such a library composed of packages (collection of new types and functions) and modules. It comes with common fifos, arithmetics, cross-clock components, low-speed-I/O components and a Ethernet/IP/UDP stack (next release).

As @crgrace described, it's quite complicated to design modules, which:

  • work on many platforms
  • support most vendor tool chains
  • add no/less overhead

Our library has an internal configuration mechanismn (PoC.config) to distinguish vendors, devices and even device subfamilies to choose the right code or an optimized implementation. It also distinguishes between synthesis and simulation code at some points.

For example PoC.fifo_cc_got is a FIFO with an 'common clock' (cc) interface and put/got signals to control the fifo. The fifo is configurable in widths, depths, fill-state bits and implementation type. It's possible to choose a LUT-based RAM or On-Chip-RAM (ocram) implementation type. If this fifo is synthesized with ocram option for Altera, it uses altsyncram; if Xilinx is chosen, it uses a generic BlockRAM description and implements the pointer arithmetic by explicit carrychain instantiation (Xilinx XST does not find the optimal solution, so it's done manually).

There are 2 other fifo types with 'dependent clock' (dc) and independent clock (ic) interface. So if it's required to switch from an normal fifo to a cross-clock fifo (PoC.fifo_ic_got), change the entity name and add a clock and reset for the second clock domain, that's all.

I think this proves, it's possible to write common modules, which work on multiple platforms and compile in different tools (Spartan->Virtex, Cyclone -> Stratix; ISE, Vivado, Quartus).

Besides PoC, there are other open source libraries:

  • VHDL-extras
  • libc in VHDL
  • PCK_FIO from easics
  • VHDL GitHub repositories from Martin J Thompson
  • noasic from Guy Escheman
  • open-vhdl
  • general-purpose-fifo
  • vhdl-examples
  • vhdlbyexample
  • vhdl-libs-pro
  • hdl4fpga
  • OpenCores
  • Aeroflex Gaisler
  • Stefan VHDL
  • ...

The "Discover Free and Open Source Silicon" (FOSSi) projects on GitHub offers a browsable database of all GitHub projects that mainly use vhdl, verilog, systemverilog, or any other important hardware description language (hdl).

See also:

  • Discover FOSSi
  • FOSSI Foundation
  • LibreCores

Open source libraries like you describe wouldn't be as nearly as useful for VHDL or Verilog as they are for a general purpose programming language. This is because HOW you implement a given function can very a lot depending on what you're trying to do. Code that is good for and FPGA is probably not so good for an ASIC and vice versa.

Also, since we are describing hardware, a function that does a FFT would require such specifics as word width and clock and reset strategy that it would tie your hands and constrain your whole design. If you made the function very flexible, it would have enormous overhead.

Lastly, look at the size of your executable when you include a lot of libraries in C, for instance. There is a ton of bloat there. That doesn't matter for software development (most of the time) but matters a lot for FPGA and especially ASIC development. There is no sense synthesizing a bunch of overhead you don't need.

So the bottom line is there are no such libraries, and your current approach is sound.

VHDL and Verilog are descriptive languages and they describe hardware blocks. A serial driver in C++ might translate into a Serial IP in VHDL/Verilog. is the biggest open-source database to date.

To facilitate the process of searching, download and code browsing (via Github) you can use this modern interface:

If, for instance, you search for serial you can end up here:

and directly jump to the code in GitHub. There you will see that you can quite easily instantiate the serial module and connect your own circuit to it and start sending and receiving data. This is as simple as serial libs in C++.

I hope this helps.