Django Debug Toolbar Only Working for Admin Section

Debug toolbar requires that there's at least a closing </body> tag in the response HTML.

This tag can be changed by changing settings.DEBUG_TOOLBAR_CONFIG['INSERT_BEFORE']

A few tipps without knowing your code:

  • 'debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware' should be your last or second to last middle ware entry (not 100% sure how it works out with the flatpagefallback middleware)
  • 'debug-toolbar' as last in the list of INSTALLED_APPS
  • Double check if the toolbar's assets are loaded
  • Make sure all toolbar settings are set. (DEBUG_TOOLBAR_CONFIG, INTERNAL_IPS) etc.

The error should be something in there. I know of other problems related getting the toolbar displayed on flatpages so if you only checked on flatpages I suggest you try it on another module.

I had the same problem here, and eventually arrived at this post... Anyway, in my case what I noticed was that I had a javascript error in one of my js included libraries. And that breaked the js interpretation flow. When I fixed the javascript error, the django toolbar worked.

That explains why it worked in the admin pages, but not in my app pages.